Friday, March 14, 2014

Engrade Progress.

I have seen my grades on Engrade and I could proudly say that I am a better person then I was yesterday. Even though some of my grades are low I know that I can push myself hard enough to work harder and pick my grades up to where I want them to be. I have learned so much in this past week about mindsets and I just wouldn't want myself to fail because I stop working hard and let my grades drop.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Should smart kids get their own school ?

 I do not believe smart kids should have their own school because that just makes no sense; it would be like people are being discriminative towards other kids that are not as smart as others.

Cluster Grouping

Claims of Cluster Grouping would have to be that students would be learning much more advance school work and also that student would be in a classroom with other gifted student and may start to feel good about themselves.

A CounterClaim of Cluster Grouping would be that a lot of students feel pressured to not be able to even drop a grade because teachers would start to look at them different. Another CounterClaim of Cluster Grouping would be that students are expected to know more then others since they are more advanced in their school work.

Ability Grouping

Claims of Ability Grouping would be that student would be working with other student just like them so they won't feel dumb.

A CounterClaim of Ability Grouping would be that Students wouldn't have any students that understand more about the work because everyone is separated.

Overall Cluster and Ability Grouping is not the smarted way for teachers to make sure students get the education they deserve because students weather they are "smarter" then others  can still help those students who don't understand the classwork and help everyone get a better grade because now they understand more then they did before thanks to the gifted students. Separating student based on their IQ makes no sense when you can have them to help when their help is needed.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Two aspect's of mindset I would change

Two aspect's of mindset that I would change would be when the video said that people with fixed mindset's usually ignore useful advice and when the video also said that people with fixed mindset's just give up easily. Those were the main two aspects of mindset that I would need to change in myself because I always give up easily when challenges get difficult and I also ignore when other try to give me helpful advice.   I am a person with a fixed mindset who needs a lot to change because since I have a fixed mindset everything seems so much difficult and challenging for me; so I easily give up and don't way to hear what anyone has to say, because I feel everyone is against me and attacking me for nothing; it is all just in my head.

Thing I plan to change about my fixed mindset would be that I need to push myself to work harder and don't give up when certain things get challenging or difficult because then I am only hurting myself in the process and no one else. I plan to push myself everyday to do things even when they get hard so then I can get better at them.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

How Tough Am I ?!

 I am a very tough person when it come's to different kind of things. Many thing's come up in different kind of occasions and it depends on the situation weather or not I have to be tough or not. I put myself in many difficult situations where many times I can't get myself out of the but when I really put my mind and start to thinking I really get the strength to be tough and push myself through whatever the situation may be. I am just glad I have made it this far in my life where I am proud to say I am greatful  where I am right now.


Essential Questions

  • How mentally tough does someone have to be to be able to shut down their personal thoughts while getting yelled at and being told what to do at the same time? 
  • How emotionally tough does someone have to be for them to get pushed to the edge and say enough is enough and still don't give up and push through it without giving it a second though?
  • How does someone feel once they have given their all and is not tough enough mentally, physically, or emotionally and realize that their all is not enough? 
What is Grit?
 Grit is the key to success.

Do I have Grit?
 Yes I do have Grit. I always set a goal for myself and I always stick to them. Even though many people set goals for themselves but not all of them really stick to them and end up giving up on their goals. I got my Grit by realizing that I needed to get myself together and the only way I would be able to do that would be by setting myself goals.